
New flavour.

Added to the sidebar. I’m not totally happy with how it looks - I’ve never been altogether convinced by big blocks of serif text on-screen. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever used serif fonts for body text on a website.

So I’m trying something new.


UPDATE: I think it feels a little cluttered and overwhelming. Needs some space. Also, I really should settle on serif or sans-. And match the logo to the body text :-) You see, the graphic came first, and then when I was writing the stylesheet I thought, “Hey. Let’s try a serif font.” I want it to work, because I like the slightly more classical look. Perhaps I’ll try some of the ideas over at UsableType.

Actually, while I’m here, for those of you with an interest in design and usability together on the web, I can’t recommend UsableType enough. Some good ideas, and some basic info, all in one place.

UPDATE II: Some adjustments a la UT. An improvement already.

Check it out, you get to watch me fooling with it as I go! How embarrassing…